Are you ready for an overflow of high quality leads from SA’s leading lead generation agency?
Discover the lead generation system responsible for scaling businesses across south africa.
Introducing the lethal spitting, customer acquiring, future famous, 4 step lead generation system.
More Sales
Have your very own online lead generation system that spits out 50 – 100 high quality leads every month on autopilot. Meaning that you and your sales people don’t have to worry about where your next wave of customers are coming from.
Automated Marketing
Never worry about keeping up with digital marketing trends again – as you have professionals who have their finger on the pulse working to leverage these platforms to generate you one thing and one thing only. More highly qualified leads!
Save Time
Have peace of mind knowing that your lead generation is being outsourced to professionals – meaning you have more time to work on your business and not in it. You can now purely focus on growth and maximizing profit!
Save Money
As we are still cheaper than hiring a full time internal marketing team – which has no chance against a team of young & hungry digital marketers. You get your own ad specialist, copywriter, graphics designer and project manager. This alone will save you millions every year.
Scale Faster
This system will allow you to find out how much it costs you to acquire a customer online. Meaning that you can grow your business as quickly as you can spend money on this system!

A Letter
Dear, Business Owner
You’ve come a long way to get your business to where it is today.
You’ve been through the trenches and you’ve clawed your way to the top.
And finally, you’ve started working ON your business and are no longer working IN it.
You finally feel that you have the right systems and team in place,
And this has given you a newfound freedom.
With this freedom,
You’re now able to take a step back and take a deep look at what your business needs.
You already know that your business has the capacity to grow.
You probably have the capacity to double or even triple your revenue before things get too crazy to handle.
But, there’s one vital obstacle stopping you:
The rate at which you’re acquiring new, paying customers and client.
To grow your business to reach its goals you know this is what you need to be focusing on.
And in order to do this
Online advertising is the answer to generating leads.
But before you read another word on this page.
Please do me a favour,
I want you to throw absolutely everything you’ve ever heard about “generating leads online” out the window!
Nothing on this page is about lead generation.
This is about generating high quality leads.
And that’s why you’re here right now.
You want more high quality leads and more profit,
You want your business to grow into something significant and make the impact you know it can.
But you have a tough choice.
Marketing Agencies are a dime a dozen and these days everyone is now a social media marketing expert.
Perhaps you’ve worked with one of these agencies before in the past and got burned,
Don’t worry, we have too!
I mean let’s be honest here.
How many more times do you have to hear the words “digital marketing” & “lead generation” before you throw your laptop out the window.
Or even worse, having a “blue eyed yuppie” telling you that you need to have a consistent brand image across all your socials?
What a load of nonsense
The truth is …
You need professionals.
Your sales people are tired of cold calling and are desperately begging you for more high quality leads.
This page has the power to change all of that,
Our trademarked 4 step lead generation system is Powerful!
It was responsible for sending established SME’s all over South Africa over 123 879 qualified leads in 2020 alone!
This system once setup, will spit out 50 – 100 highly qualified leads every single month.
But, these aren’t any leads, these are super qualified leads that actually want to do business with you.
No tire kickers and price shoppers!
Allowing you the business owner to do …
Well, whatever you want!
Spend more time with family?
Spend more time on holiday?
Spoil your children or significant other?
Or just finally feeling like you can switch off on weekends,
This system will allow your business to grow month on month
Year on year.
If this has sparked some curiosity in your bones,
And you’d like to find out more about if this system is a good fit for your business
Then hit the button below to secure a free, no obligation 30 minute zoom strategy session.
We’ll learn about your business and your needs.
Then we’ll present you with a clear 90 day attack plan on how to hit your revenue goals.
Again, we will not sell to you on this call if you are not a good fit and there is no pressure or obligation,
But If you’re not convinced yet, allow us to introduce you to …
Our Clients
Over 100+ South African brands have gone Future Famous.

The ultimate lead generation system to scale your business.
You finally feel that you have the right systems and team in place,
And this has given you a newfound freedom.
With this freedom,
You’re now able to take a step back and take a deep look at what your business needs.
You already know that your business has the capacity to grow.
You probably have the capacity to double or even triple your revenue before things get too crazy to handle.
But, there’s one vital obstacle stopping you:
The rate at which you’re acquiring new, paying customers and client.

As a South African business owner you’ve been lied to.
How many times have you been told that you need to be pumping out as much content as possible on every single social media platform under the sun?
Maybe you’ve succumbed to these dark magic spells and actually tried it
Even worse, you could very well have actually spent money on an agency or freelance content creator to do this for you.
You probably noticed something after a while.
A lot of money is going out.
But no money is coming in…
But why?
Well, it’s quite simple actually.
You’re spending countless Rands an hours pumping out content,
And the reason for this is related to what is known as “organic reach”
Now to be deadly honest, you probably haven’t been lied to.
People aren’t that bad.
We just said that to break your attention in case you were getting bored.
But there’s a very important phenomenon happening on social media,
And it’s completly changing the game.
The reason these people didn’t tell you this isn’t because they lied, they just simply don’t know any better.
But luckily for you, we do
It’s known as…
The Facts
The death of organic reach on social media
Organic reach refers to the amount of people who see one of your posts on social media.
So for example, let’s say you have 1000 Instagram followers
Or 1000 page likes on Facebook
If you make a post on one of these platforms, and all 1000 followers see your post, you then have 100% organic reach.

As it stands now, organic reach is hovering at around 2%
This means that if you have 1000 followers and you make a post, only around 20 people are seeing it.
No wonder it’s not bringing in business.
When you spend time and money on posting content on social media, with the hopes of results, no one sees it.
So now you might be thinking, why the hell do these platforms do this?
They’re a business.
And like any other business, they need to make money,
And they do this by charging us money to advertise on their platforms and get to the top of the news feed.
So because organic reach is so low, if you want enough people to see your business and your offerings you have to pay up.
So you may be thinking.
Okay so posting content is bad for lead generation,
And running ads is good for lead generation.
But that doesn’t matter because my sales people do 100 cold calls a day
And they’re damn good at it.
But you see there’s one problem with that…
Let's face it cold calling sucks
For most companies, their lead generation system involves doing outdated marketing methods.
Radio ads, tv ads, billboards or newspapers ..
You can’t track these methods and you cannot tell if they are working!
And even worse.
Businesses are purchasing sheets of data for their sales people to cold call.
Or they are buying leads from “lead companies”.
The companies selling these leads are also selling them straight to your competitors.
Meaning it’s an inevitable race to the bottom on price.
And you never want to play that game.
Cold calling is a huge hit or miss approach.
It can work.
But let’s be honest here,
I’m sure we can both agree that receiving cold calls sucks!
And it not only sucks for the person receiving them, it’s also demoralizing for your sales people.
Your sales people can only do their best work if they have the right support.
If the powers above them are working and investing in channels that feed them high quality leads.
And as controversial as this may sound.
It’s not their job to source the leads.
It’s yours.
Because if your team is only speaking to hot leads then they can be much more productive.
They can speak to more warm prospects.
They can send out more quotes quicker.
They can make sales faster.
Which means you scale faster.
Which means you make more profit.
And your sales people will feel more productive and happier.
You can see how this has an exponential effect on your business right?
So you might be wondering how this actually works …
And this cleverly hidden in south africas most controversial 4 step lead generation system
But before we get into the system,
We first want to explain what exactly is direct response marketing and why we do it.
In a nutshell,

The million Rand discovery. Why you need a CPA
‘CPA‘ stands for cost per acquisition.
That means if you spend money in online ads and get a sale, how much did it cost to get that one customer?
At Future Famous we know that every time we spend R4000 we get one customer.
Knowing this number has helped us scale our business, and last year has helped 9 SME’s hit 7 figures monthly.
So, this is how it works.
If your average customer pays you R10 000 on a sale.
You take your gross profit margin on that service and multiply it by the average sale amount.
Let’s see your gross profit is 10%,
That gives you an amount of R1000.
This is your breakeven CPA.
Meaning that if you spend R1000 in online ads, and get a sale, you break even.
And if you get that number below R1000, you are now profitable.
Through the Future Famous Lead Generation system,
We set this system up for you and reveal this number for you.
If your CPA is profitable,
We scale your business as fast as you can spend money on ads 😉
Let’s now talk about how the system works
Tried And Tested
Introducing the Future Famous formula.
Element 01
Hitting Market Bulseye
Let’s Face it.
Not every business can actually run advertising to acquire customers profitablty.
However that’s good.
It will save you millions in “lessons learned”, ridiculous excuses from “agencies” and tough conversations with finance.
The first element in the formula is understand if your business has “bullseye market fit”
This means:
Does your business have enough gross margin to spend money on ads. Does your service solve a clear problem for the market. Are we able to identify your customer when they are searching for a solution to your problem. Once we work through this,
We are ready to start !
This brings us to …
Element 02
The Platform
The biggest mistake companies make is they overcomplicate things by doing everything.
Meaning they try to run ads on all the platforms, and thus get none of them right.
That’s a recipe to not have a good time. We strip away everything and start with one simple concept first.
Who is your dream customer?
Once we know who this, we are able to anaylze where would be the best place to first target your customers.
We call this finding your unicorn.
Your unicorn is your one platform you can run ads on to predictably generate more high quality leads and sales.
It’s not an easy thing to do, But once we find your unicorn,
That’s already enough to change your business forever. So once we know your best advertising channel We then look at how we can introduce…
Element 03
The Mafia Method
I’m going to be honest with you here.
Most business’ offers suck!
They make boring offers every single day to customers and wonder why they can’t scale.
That’s where we come in,
Our Mafia Method process allows us to craft an offer so good,
That your dream customer will literally feel stupid for saying no.
You might be thinking,
Where does this offer live?
Good question.
The answer brings us to …
Element 04
The Funnel Force
A funnel is basically a series of landing pages that are designed to take someone from a complete stranger to a loyal customer.
Crafting the correct funnel for people who click on your ads is a vital step in the process.
To date, there are over 25 proven marketing funnels out there that anyone can take advantage of.
“Well what about just sending traffic to my website Kyle?”
The problem with websites is that they are confusing.
There’s the home page, about us page, our process page… so on and so forth.
There are just so many pages to go to… it gets to a point where your customer has to think too hard to figure out their next action.
When that happens, they’re going to leave!
We’ve tested over a dozen sales funnels for dozens of clients in several industries.
We’ve narrowed eveyrthing down to about 6 funnels that can be plugged into any kind of business.
When choosing a funnel, we simulate split tests between the 3 best funnels.
That way, we can be sure that the one we choose for you will be the most effective one to capture and qualify leads so that you have the best chance of closing.
Speaking about closing,
This finally brings us too…
Element 05
The Sales System
This is often where businesses slip up.
They treat every lead like a person that needs to be quoted and closed.
Doing that only wastes time and energy that could be used to close the right lead.
It’s like finding a needle in the haystack instead of using a magnet to attract the needle.
In truth, the sales process you use is determined by the temperature of your lead.
And the only way to scale your business is to set up a sales process that caters for this.
This is what we call true “Sales Success”
Right now there are over 10 different sales structures.
We’ve tested most of them and have an idea of which ones work best for different kinds of businesses.
There you have it!
This is how we are ….
The Facts
The death of organic reach on social media
Accounting Marketing Teeth whitening Waiting Baby Goods Child Development
Facebook Instagram Youtube Linkedin Google Email Amazon Pinterest Tik Tok
Save Time
Zoom Offer Soft Offer Disco Offer Like for like Offer Giveaway Offer BOGO offer
HQM Funnel HVM Funnel VPM Funnel Hem Funnel MUSA Funnel
3 Step Method Zoom Method Musa Method
Every element plays a vital role in the Future Famous Formula.
If just one element is off, you won’t acquire customers profitably.
We have seen it countless times.
If you have every element perfectly in place, your business will grow and scale.
You will be abe to consistently and profitably acquire customers at rapid scale!
Are you keen on us crafting your very own Customer Acquiring Formula for free?
Click the link below to get started!
So what type of business does this lead generation system work for….
Established SME’s who have a clear target market and proven service. (no startups)
Service based businesses who want to grow fast and want to do 7 figures monthly or yearly.
Ecommerce businesses who sell a product that is worth more than R20 000
Traditional service businesses such as: Dentists, doctors, architects etc
Home service businesses such as paving companies, kitchen renovation companies, curtain manufacturers etc
Business coaches and/or consultants who have a proven model and need high quality leads
Software companies with a proof of concept and want to scale their userbase quickly.
Businesses selling info products or online courses and are already selling at least R100 000 per month.
Warning! This system is not for…
- Startups or new businesses who do not know who they are serving and are selling “everything to everyone”.
- Businesses in financial trouble and see digital marketing as the last resort to save their business (stay far away from us!)
- Businesses who are not willing to give this system the time and effort it deserves.
- Business owners who micro manage us and do not allow us to do our best work (strategically and creatively).
- Again, if you micro manage us we will fire you!

Our ridiculous call us crazy guarantee
We can guarantee you that if we do not generate you a 100% return on your investment after 90 days, we will work for you for free until we do
Number one, because we know our system works.
Number two, we are young and hungry and want to wipe the floor with our competition.
Nobody in future famous wants to become an overnight millionaire,
We willing to put our heads down and outwork our competition.
So we going to give it our all to make sure your business wins!
Your success is our success.
But you have to be an established business with a fire burning already.
We’ve seen it too many times.
Business owners who are desperate to find some way to help them keep their business going.
They’re looking for the silver bullet to pull them out of the trenches.
So they come to us for help.
And sooner or later, they leave.
Not because of our services, and not because they don’t have an awesome business.
The reason is because they didn’t have the time or the resources to truly take advantage of this system.
Many of them were acquiring new, paying clients and achieving a return on their ad spend.
But they were so desperate to achieve unrealistic results right now.
They wanted this without the means to invest the necessary resources.
And this leads to a brick wall.
They want to get more customers and grow their revenues.
But to do this they need to invest in ad spend to get these customers.
And the faster you want to get customers and make profits, the more you have to spend on ads.
And in the first month or two, you might not receive immediate profits.
Or enough profits.
Without the immediate profits, they can’t invest enough in their online traffic.
Which means that they can’t achieve the results they need.
More often than not, our goal is to double our clients revenue..
But you’re not going to double your revenue overnight.
Even if you had R1 million to splash on ads.
It’s a long term and strategic process.
And if anyone has told you that they can double your revenue in one month, they’re lying.
You shouldn’t believe them because it’s bullshit.
We don’t talk the talk, we walk the walk.
Future Famous Media has doubled it’s revenues and growth in the past 6 months.
This, through the very same lead generation systems and strategies we use for clients.
The very same one we’re selling to you right now.
You literally have no risk,
So why not …
In business, competition is never as healthy as total domination. Which one would you rather have?
Your competitors are reading this page right now.
And like you, they’re thinking whether it’s worth it or not.
They’re also looking for ways to attract new customers, grow their bottom lines, and steal market share away from you.
And besides the reasons we’ve already laid out in our sales letter.
There’s another big reason why paid media ads give you an opportunity to get new customers and expand.
And the reason is because your competition isn’t doing it.
Think about this scenario for a second.
Two dentists, Sarel & Jimmy, both operate out of Cape Town CBD within a 5km radius of one another.
They’re both lying in bed on a lazy Sunday afternoon watching YouTube.
They then both get hit with one of our YouTube retargeting ads.
They both clicked on the ad to land on this sales letter.
They both read every word of it.
But they make different decisions.
Sarel hops on a consultation with us, takes a look at his 90 day attack plan and decides to go for it.
Jimmy decides he’d rather carry on doing what he’s been doing for the past 30 years.
He leaves the web page without even a consultation.
A few months go by and Jimmy notices that his practice is slowing down a bit.
In the past to drive his revenue, he relied on his patients coming back, as well as their word of mouth for new customers.
That’s all he needed to keep going.
But then something started happening.
Jimmy was relaxing at the office with his steady inflow of patients.
Bear in mind he gets these patients through word of mouth.
But every single day and night when these same word of mouth soldiers were at home, they were seeing Sarel.
On YouTube, on Facebook, Instagram and even when they forgot about Jimmy’s address and searched for a dentist in Cape Town CBD.
Sarel was there, offering his services.
Not only this,
But Sarel was offering them unbelievable check-up and cleaning combos, teeth whitening specials and even giving some people free stuff.
And before anyone could tell,
30% of Jimmy’s customer base was now going to Sarel for their routine dental needs.
And what was Sarel doing?
He wasn’t working any harder than before.
He wasn’t sweating and pulling his hair out on trying to post content on social media.
He simply decided to go future famous and set up an additional source of traffic to his practice through the online channels readily available to him.
Not only did he steal some market share away from Jimmy, but he was doing it to most dental practices within a 10-15km radius of him.
And not because his practice was any different from the others.
Not because his services were better or his prices were cheaper (he was actually a little more expensive).
It’s literally because Jimmy, and all Sarel’s other competitors, decided not to do it as well.
2 years down the line, Sarel now dominates the Cape Town market.
Like everything in life, and in business, the decision is yours.
You can continue to rely on your one or two sources of traffic to breathe oxygen into your business with the risk that one of them could dry up tomorrow.
You can continue to spend countless hours and money on trying to generate leads online the wrong way.
Hiring and then firing useless digital marketers, blogging your brains out!
Trying to post as much content on social media as you can that leads to zero business, and drop thousands on a new website that no one is seeing.
But let’s be frank.
You NEVER would have read this far if that’s what you wanted.
What you want is simple.
A new source of traffic to get new customers to grow your bottom line and scale your business.
And that’s exactly what we’re offering you today.
No fancy websites and content strategies.
No worry about likes, shares, and followers.
You don’t even have to have a single social media app on your phone if you don’t want to.
We take your marketing back to basics.
We build very high converting online funnels, and generate your business quality leads.
Nothing more, and nothing less.
We’re your direct response marketing partner.
With one goal; to grow your bottom line through customer acquisition.
We do all the heavy lifting so that you can continue to work on your business.
Allowing you to find new and more profitable traffic sources to add to your business tally.
Because as stated earlier, the more sources of traffic you have, the more leads you get.
The more leads you get, the more customers you get, and the faster you grow your bottom line.
So, if you’d rather be Sarel than Jimmy in the above scenario, then there’s one last step to take!
Hit the button below now to secure your own free strategy consultation and 90 day attack plan.
The Nitty Gritty
How much money are you losing by not implementing this online lead generation system?
You’re actually losing quite a lot of money. And here’s why.
To start off, we’re saving you money.
“How are you guys saving me money if I have to pay for your services?”
Well, we’ve already established how we’re going to make you money, but we’re also saving you money.
Let’s do the math.
You’re a seasoned business owner.
So you know you need to set up lots of channels of traffic.
And you also know that it would be real crazy to not use digital marketing to generate leads.
You don’t want to outsource your digital marketing to an agency.
So then, you hire a “digital marketer” to come work in-house for you.
You’re looking at a salary there of at least R15k.
And how do you know this person knows what they’re doing?
As you’ve seen, most people don’t.
On top of a salary, you’ve also got to pay for all the automation and digital software out there.
None of this can guarantee you results.
You’re now hovering around the R20k-R25K mark and you haven’t even dropped a cent on ad spend.
But by outsourcing this function, you’re paying a fraction of the price of all this.
Plus, you can rely on the expertise of individuals who know how to turn strangers into customers.
This guarantees your results.
And all that expensive software?
That’s our problem, not yours.

Imagine the potential you having by pumping your money into our system?
It is a powerful, high converting, super quality system!
We will be saving you a lot of money down the line.
But we’re not only saving you money.
We’re saving you time:
The digital marketing landscape is a very fast changing industry.
Platforms are changing by the day.
By tomorrow there could be a new advertising platform to capitalize on.
Not to mention that the price of some platforms could shoot up within a week.
This would make it unaffordable to continue profitability by utilizing it.
How on earth are you going to keep up with everything?
By the time you learn how to run a simple Facebook or Google ad, everything has changed.
What you’ve learned becomes obsolete.
And the fact of the matter is that you shouldn’t be thinking or worrying about any of this.
You’re a business owner, not a marketer.
That is what we’re here for.
We take away the headache and countless hours wasted on trying to figure it all out.
It’s one less thing for you to worry about.
It’s going to give you the freedom to continue to work on your business.
Not in it.
So, what are you waiting for?
If you want to pump new clients into your customer base, whilst saving time & money, then hit the button below now.
We’ll start off with a no obligation strategy consultation.
We will show you where your business’s opportunities are online.
After our consultation, we’ll send you your very own custom 90-day attack plan.
This will show you how to best attack the online market to start acquiring new customers today.
Online advertising is not a silver bullet to all your problems.
Established SME’s who have a clear target market and proven service. (no startups)
Service based businesses who want to grow fast and want to do 7 figures monthly or yearly.
Ecommerce businesses who sell a product that is worth more than R20 000
Traditional service businesses such as: Dentists, doctors, architects etc
Home service businesses such as paving companies, kitchen renovation companies, curtain manufacturers etc
Business coaches and/or consultants who have a proven model and need high quality leads
Software companies with a proof of concept and want to scale their userbase quickly.
Businesses selling info products or online courses and are already selling at least R100 000 per month.
The more you NEED something to work, the more likely it is to do the opposite.
And as much as we’d love to take your money,
It might not be the best thing for your business.
You see, if you don’t have a solid proof of concept,
If you’re scrambling month to month to break even or make a little bit of profit.
If you’re the bottleneck of your business with no sales team or systems in place.
And you’re still trying to figure out exactly what your market is; then this is not the right solution for you.
Yes, we specialize in helping you grow your revenue, by getting you new clients and customers.
But we do this through PAID advertising.
We’re in the game of paying money to get new customers.
This means you have to have the willingness, the means, and the patience to invest in campaigns.
On top of your current lead generation and business development efforts.
Not only do you have to invest in advertising fees, but you have to pay us for our service too.
And by the way, we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is with our…
But my business is different, this system won’t work for me.
It will surprise you how many times we hear this.
And we 100% hear you.
It might sometimes be difficult to see something like this working for your business.
We as humans are always skeptical about change.
We’ve implemented this system for over 50 different South African companies.
We have done this in the past 12 months and in almost every niche imaginable.
We can 100% guarantee you that your business is not different.
Whether you’re in the business to business market, or serving straight to the consumer.
This system works.
And we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.
So again, here is a reminder of

Reminder of our ridiculous but confident guarantee to you.
If You Don T Achieve A 100 Return On Your Investment After Implementing This System In As Little As 90 Days We Will Work For You For Free Until We Do
This lead generation system grows your business by increasing your customer base.
It increases your sales with a consistent flow of dependable and convertible leads.
Bottom line, it increases your monthly sales and profit.
It’s designed, managed and optimized daily in order for you to enjoy a 200%, 300%, 400% or even 500% return on your ad spend.
No one wants you to win as much as we do.
And If after 3 solid months of your lead generation system being in place, you do not have AT LEAST every single penny that you have invested in us,
Then we will work for you for free until we do. You’ve literally got nothing to lose and everything to gain
Except some market share that your competitors are taking action and you aren’t.
Caught You
Hey! You lazy bugger
Look at you scrolling to the end of the page because you’re too lazy to read.
Got you.
But don’t worry, I’ll make it simple for you.
This lead generation system will be responsible for flooding your business and sales people with high quality leads.
How do we do this?
We run highly targeted ads on Facebook, Google & YouTube. We create you an amazing offer which lives on an expertly crafted landing page. We then qualify your lead and capture their details, which get sent to you in real time. Once the system is in place, we crunch the numbers to figure out if we’re profitable.
If you are, we aggressively spend more money in ads, to scale your business as fast as you’d like.
Best part?
If we do not generate you a 100% return on investment after 90 days, we will work for you for free until we do!
Sound like a plan?
Click on the button below to hop on a 30 minute FREE Zoom strategy call.
It’s the least you could do, I mean look at how much time we’ve saved you!